Saints in Motion
An integral component to our holistic educational approach encompassing the intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and physical dimensions of every student, athletics at St. Bonaventure are an outdoor classroom for growing in trust, integrity, and humility.
In addition to Physical Education courses for all grades, our After-School Athletics Program provides quality competitive sports in a Christian environment for students in grades 5 - 8. Intermediate and junior high students in our A (grades 7 - 8) and B (grades 5 - 6) compete in the Parochial Athletic League and other sanctioned tournaments, building shared experiences in health and wellbeing that teach accountability, commitment, and camaraderie.
The Parochial Athletic League administrates after school sports for most of the parochial and Christian schools in Orange County, and are responsible for forming leagues, scheduling games, assigning officials, and establishing league policies.

Boys Flag Football
Girls Volleyball
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Boys Volleyball
Girls Beach Volleyball
Co-Ed Track - grades 1-8
Cheerleading Squad - grades 5-8
All students may try out to join a Saints Athletic Team, provided that they meet academic and conduct eligibility requirements (see below). Team members are selected by the Head Coach of that sport, alongside the Athletic Director, the decision of a moderator, if necessary, and in consultation with the Principal. Tryouts are competitive and decisions are final.
Students wishing to join a Saints Athletic Team, including Cheer, must meet certain academic requirements. Students will be dropped from their team mid-season if grades substantially decline. Please see parent student handbook for more details.
Practice Times
Parents will be notified of all practice times once determined by the Head Coach of their student’s team. Students should change into their gear and meet their team members in the Junior High lunch area prior to practice.
Note that some practices and games may not begin immediately after school. Students whose practices or games do not begin until after 3:00pm should be picked up by a parent at regular dismissal time or enroll in the Extended Day Program. When a practice or game is held at school, students not picked up by their parents at the specified completion time will be placed in Extended Day and parents will be charged accordingly. Students may not leave the school grounds if practices begin at or before 3:00 pm.
All Saints Athletic Teams are self-supporting and dependent upon the availability of qualified, volunteer coaches. Parents are encouraged to volunteer to coach by submitting a resume of qualifications to the Athletic Director. Students accepted onto a team are required to pay a sports fee to the school and sign return the Athletic Honor Code and After-School Sports Permission and Commitment Slip. All parents are expected to contribute towards transportation, snacks, set-up, and clean-up.