A Spirit of Stewardship
Through an abundance of service and stewardship opportunities rooted in Catholic social teaching, we encourage our students to put their learning to use on behalf of the common good by actively participating in the Church’s global mission of providing a preferential option for the poor and vulnerable. In understanding and engaging their responsibility to respect and care for our common home, our students strengthen their Catholic identity while acquiring the skills needed to become agents of positive change.
Our students participate in service projects at the grade level and schoolwide, engaging their faith-filled community and collaborating with peers to make an impact. To instill in our students the value of stewardship, each class conducts a service project during the school year.
Our Faith In Action
4th Grade knitting beanies for babies in need.
A Sampling of Our Service Opportunities
Operation Christmas Child
Our fifth graders chose to support Operation Christmas Child as their grade level service project. The project, organized by Samaritan’s Purse International Relief in collaboration with local churches worldwide, tangibly shares God’s love by surprising children in need with shoeboxes full of quality gifts. Over 60 shoeboxes were filled by our students with stuffed animals, school supplies, hygiene items, and a self-written letter expressing God’s love.
Children’s Choir
Directed by the Parish’s Music Ministry, the St. Bonaventure School Choir sings weekly at the 9:00 am Mass and performs at the Parish’s annual Christmas and Spring Concerts. All students are invited to share their voices in the prayerful celebration of the Mass as Choir members, where they learn to lead, guide, and provide the congregation with music that praises God.
Student Council - Monthly Themes for Causes
The Student Council Board, composed of 6-8th grade students appointed by teachers and voted for by their classmates, hosts dress theme days once a month, where students are asked to donate $1 to wear themed apparel with uniform bottoms or jeans in lieu of their uniform attire for the day. All collected funds are donated to causes and charities selected by the Student Council.
HOPE Office Donation Drives
Throughout the school year, various donation drives are held to support the HOPE office. Examples include Thanksgiving and Christmas canned food drives, hygiene kits for the homeless and much more.
Grade Level Service
8th Grade - Each student creates an individual and unique culminating service project which they present to their peers before they graduate.
7th Grade - Spiritual Adoption for an unborn child.
5th Grade - Partnership with Hefner International
3rd Grade - Project Linus
All School Blessing Bags - Hygiene kits are created in partnership with Faith Formation
Altar Serving
For decades, the students at St. Bonaventure School have faithfully and enthusiastically served the Parish community as Altar Servers, assisting clergy during the Eucharist and other liturgical ceremonies. Derived from the Latin word “ministrare,” which means “to serve,” this opportunity is an excellent starting point for students wanting to deepen their love for their faith. As integral to the celebration of Mass as servers of Word and Sacrament, Altar Servers carry the cross and processional candles, prepare the Altar for the reception of the gifts, and assist the celebrant by carrying the incense and censer.
All students in grades 4-8 are invited to serve and informational meetings are held annually.