Our robust and challenging academic curriculum is designed to meet the individual needs of our students. Core subjects of mathematics, science, religion, language arts, and social studies form the foundation of our budding community of thinkers and doers, encouraging students to explore every interest.
Further scholarly enrichment programs — including music, STEM courses, and Spanish language instruction — allow students to engage disciplines outside of their comfort zone, and co-curricular enrichment activities, such as our Athletics Program, are available in addition to our students’ normal course of study.
Please note all curriculum is approved by the Roman Catholic Bishop of Orange. Curriculum is designed to be mission driven.
Explore By Subject
Advanced Mathematics
Since 2000, St. Bonaventure Catholic School has offered an Advanced Mathematics Program available to students in grades 6-8.
Physical Education
Part of each student’s complete education, our Physical Education courses teach Christian competitiveness and sportsmanship.
STEM Courses
In partnership with BrainStorm Education, hands-on STEM learning activities are integrated into our TK - 4th graders’ science curriculum.
Grade level concepts and skills are taught in addition to liturgical music coordination of class and student body masses.
Foreign language instruction begins in Kindergarten and continues to grade 8, providing a unique opportunity to grow in bilingualism.
Our Library
Boasting a collection of more than 11,000 books, our library provides materials that are consistent with our philosophy and educational goals.
Early Childhood Education, Sprouts TK & K
Weekly Mass in the Church (K)
Reflects the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
Students are introduced to Scriptures and the Sacraments
Faith Families
Service Projects
Eucharistic Adoration (K)
“His Little Way” – Sofia Institute (TK)
The Little Catholics’ Journey through the Liturgical Year
Loyola Press Growing with God (K)
Sadlier We Believe Catholic Identity Edition Religion Curriculum (K)
Curriculum aligned to Common Core State Standards
Small Group Instruction
Developmental Skills in Number Sense, Algebra Functions, Measurement, Geometry, and Mathematical Reasoning
Curriculum Integration with Science and Technology
Daily Foundational Skill Review
Differentiated instruction for Remediation and Enrichment
Houghton Mifflin Big Day Pre-K (TK)
Savvas Envision Math (K)
Three Cheers Envision (TK) Literacy/Math/SS/Science Program
English Language Arts - Literacy
Curriculum aligned to Common Core State Standards
Small Group Instruction
Foundational Skills in Phonemic Awareness, Phonics and Reading
Daily word work with Word Families and Sight Words
Speaking and Listening Opportunities
Sentence mastery and writing skills practice using Four Square Writning (TK & K)
Differentiated instruction for Remediation and Enrichment
Houghton Mifflin Big Day Pre-K (TK)
Houghton Mifflin Journeys Reading and Language Arts Program (K)
Curriculum aligned to Next Generation Science Standards (K)
Scientific Inquiry
Hands on Investigation and Experimentation
Differentiated instruction for Remediation and Enrichment
Mystery Science Science Curriculum (K)
Social Studies
Houghton Mifflin Into Social Studies Program (grade K)
Studies include communities and the historical connections between the World of Long Ago and the World Today
Curriculum is designed to meet mission-driven national standards approved by the Roman Catholic Bishop of Orange.
Differentiated instruction for remediation and enrichment
Enrichment Opportunities
Technology integrated throughout curriculum
Physical education courses weekly
Multidisciplinary fine arts integration
After-school clubs and enrichment
Weekly Library visits
Daily school-wide devotional morning assemblies
updated 08/2024
Elementary School Curriculum, 1st-5th
Weekly Mass in the Church
Liturgy Preparation
Sacramental Preparation
Spiritual Retreats
Faith Families
Service Projects
Eucharistic Adoration
Sadlier We Believe – Catholic Identity Edition*
Loyola Press - Growing with God
Curriculum aligned to Common Core State Standards
Small Group Instruction
Problem Solving Skills and Critical Thinking Skills
Daily Foundational Skill Review using Moby Max
Differentiated instruction for Remediation and Enrichment
Savvas Envision Mathematics Program
English Language Arts
Curriculum aligned to Common Core State Standards
Small Group Instruction
Foundational Skills in Reading
Conventions and Knowledge of Language integrating Vocabulary, Spelling, and Grammar
Skills Practice in Persuasive, Expository, and Narrative Writing using Four Square Writing (1-2) and Step Up to Writing (3-5)
Differentiated instruction for Remediation and Enrichment
Houghton Mifflin Journeys Reading and Language Arts Program
Add Simple Solutions Eng/Reading Comp (3rd-8th)
Curriculum aligned to Next Generation Science Standards
Studies include Earth, Life, and Physical Sciences
Scientific Inquiry
Hands on Investigation and Experimentation
Differentiated instruction for Remediation and Enrichment
Mystery Science Science Curriculum
Brainstorm STEM Enrichment (grades 1-4)
Social Studies
Meets mission-driven national standards approved by the Roman Catholic Bishop of Orange
Studies include Communities, California History, and American History
Multiple field study experiences
Differentiated instruction for Remediation and Enrichment
Walk Through California (4th)
Walk Through the American Revolution (5th)
Houghton-Mifflin Into Social Studies 2019*
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Friendzy - Biblical, Comprehensive, Evidence-Based SEL Schoolwide Curriculum
The 3rd - 5th grade Spanish enrichment program is an introduction to the Spanish language and Latin American cultures and traditions.
Students will learn basic vocabulary and commands, including colors, numbers, months of the year, days of the weeks and more through songs and engaging interactive lessons.
Enrichment Opportunities
Technology integrated throughout curriculum
Physical education courses twice weekly
Multidisciplinary fine arts integration
After School Enrichment Clubs
Extended Day Care with Homework Club
Service projects in all grades
Daily devotional morning assemblies
Weekly Library visits
updated 08/2024
Middle School Curriculum, 6th-8th
Weekly Class Mass in the Church
Altar Serving
Faith Family Leaders
Spiritual Retreats
Service Projects
Student planned Liturgy Services with Student Cantors
Eucharistic Adoration, Penance Services, Rosaries, Stations of the Cross
Loyola Press - Growing with God
Sadlier We Believe Catholic Identity Edition Religion Curriculum*
Curriculum aligned to Common Core State Standards
Problem Solving Skills, Critical Thinking Skills, and Foundational Skill Review
Differentiated Instruction
High School Placement Test Preparation
Two distinct Levels of Math Instruction
Course work in 8th grade “Advanced Math” is Algebra 1 or Geometry
Savvas Envision Mathematics Program
Immerses students in authentic Spanish language and cultural experiences
Teacher-led instruction through text, video, audio, and online learning
Meets ACTFL World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages
Comprehensive Spanish Curriculum
English Language Arts
Persuasive, Expository and Narrative Writing
Curriculum aligned to Common Core State Standards
Literature Studies include Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Poetry
Curriculum integration with Vocabulary, Spelling, and Grammar
In-Depth Novel Studies
Language Conventions and Clarity
High School Placement Test Preparation
Differentiated Instruction
Prentice Hall Language Arts Program
Sadlier Achieve Vocabulary (5-8)
Simple Solutions Workshop Reading Comprehension (5-8)
Curriculum aligned to Next Generation Science Standards
Integrated Earth, Life, and Physical Sciences
Scientific Inquiry
Hands on Investigation and Experimentation
Science Fair (7 & 8)
Differentiated instruction for Remediation and Enrichment
NGSS Science Curriculum
Freckle/Mystery Science
Social Studies
Meets mission-driven national standards approved by the Roman Catholic Bishop of Orange
Studies include Communities, California History, and American History
Multiple field study experiences
Differentiated instruction for Remediation and Enrichment
Walk through Ancient Times (6th)
Houghton-Mifflin Into Social Studies 2019 (6)*
Houghton-Mifflin Into Social Studies 2018 (7, 8)*
Simple Solutions Social Studies Curriculum (6-8)Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Social Emotional Learning
Friendzy - Biblical, Comprehensive, Evidence-Based SEL Schoolwide Curriculum
Enrichment Opportunities
Academic Decathlon (TBD)
Technology integrated throughout
Physical education courses twice weekly
Common Sense Media Digital Citizenship Program
Geography School Clubs (TBD)
Walk Through Ancient Times (grade 6)
Student Government
Liturgical Service - Altar Serving and Student Lectors
Student Campus Ministry
After-School Athletics Program
Daily Student-Led Prayer Service Assemblies
Public Speaking
updated 08/2024