Health Room
Staffed by our school’s Health Technician, the Health Room provides limited interim care for our students in the case of injury or illness occurring during school hours. If your child visits the Health Room with injury or illness during the school day, a parent will be phoned.
The Health Room is open Monday - Friday, 7:55 am - 2:45 pm. Health Technician - Mrs. Mary Keegan at (714) 846-2472 x148 or mkeegan@stbonaventureschool.org.
Contact the Health Technician when:
Your physician diagnoses your child with any contagious disease
Your child will be absent from school for any reason
If phoned by the Health Room, please come to the school immediately.
Please note that no one under the age of 18 may pick up a child unless they are noted on the emergency card and a written letter granting permission is on file with the school. In the case of serious illness or injury when parents cannot be reached, the Administration will call paramedics.
All absences need to be reported to attendance@stbonaventureschool.org or complete the Attendance Google Form.
If your child falls ill, please keep them home until they are fully recovered. If your child has a fever, please keep them home until fever-free for 24 hours without medication. A doctor’s note is recommended after absence of 3 consecutive school days.
Any child suffering from a communicable disease must adhere to County Health Regulations before returning to school.
COVID Student Reporting Form (updated 8/21/24):
By completing this form and checking the box below, I acknowledge and agree to the following:
I will keep my child home for 24 hours, until the following school day, if they have tested positive, regardless of whether they are symptomatic or asymptomatic, and have been in touch with the Health Technician.
Upon returning to campus, students and parents MUST visit the Health Technician for a temperature check and clearance to return. If a student's temperature is 100 degrees or above, they will not be permitted to stay on campus. Please check in at the front office. The Health Technician is available beginning at 7:45 AM.
Recommendations for People Who Test Positive (Symptomatic or Asymptomatic):
1. Stay home if you have COVID-19 symptoms, until you have not had a fever for 24 hours without using fever reducing medication AND other COVID-19 symptoms are mild and improving.If you do not have symptoms, you should follow the recommendations below to reduce exposure to others.
2.Mask when you are around other people indoors for the 10 days* after you become sick or test positive (if no symptoms). You may remove your mask sooner than 10 days if you have two sequential negative tests at least one day apart. Day 0 is symptom onset date or positive test date.
3.Avoid contact with people at higher-risk for severe COVID-19 for 10 days*. Higher-risk individuals include the elderly, those who live in congregate care facilities, those who have immunocompromising conditions, and that put them at higher risk for serious illness.
4.Seek Treatment. If you have symptoms, particularly if you are at higher risk for severe COVID-19, speak with a healthcare provider as soon as you test positive. You may be eligible for antiviral medicines or other treatments for COVID-19. COVID-19 antiviral medicines work best if taken as soon as possible, and within 5-7 days from when symptoms start.
Call 1-833-422-4255 if you are unable to contact a healthcare provider, or use the treatment options to find one.
*The potential infectious period is 2 days before the date of symptoms began or the positive test date (if no symptoms) through Day 10. (Day 0 is the symptom onset date or positive test date).
Doctor Appointments
Doctor and dental appointments should be scheduled after school. If these appointments must be made during school time, students should bring a note from the doctor's office, allowing them to be legally excused for medical reasons.
California State Law requires adequate immunization protection against certain diseases. Please click here to view required immunization records. Students may not enter school until the required evidence of immunization is presented.
Required evidence of immunization is a written record indicating your child’s name, date of birth, date of each immunization procedure, type of antigen used, and the name of the administering physician or agency.
If your child takes or may need to take prescription medication during school hours, please bring their medication to the Health Room in its original container(s) with details regarding the amount, method, and time schedule for which medications are to be administered. A consent form must be signed by your child’s physician.
Students are expected to be capable of self-administering their own medication under the supervision of school personnel. No medication may be kept in classrooms unless permission has been obtained from the Administration.